European Association of Sustainability Professionals
General Director: Miwi Clavera
Address: Núñez de Balboa, 29, 1ºA
28001 Madrid
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The Spanish Association of CSR Professionals (DIRSE) is the first Spanish association of CSR and sustainability professionals, founded in April 2013 and formed by more than 350 partners between managers, consultants and academics. We want to help the development of managers and professionals of the Sustainability and CSR, as well as to improve their capacity to influence the creation of shared value in organizations.

Understand, define and delimit the state of the CSR practitioners with rigor and thus dignify their leadership role and their professional performance.

    • Mentoring programme between partners in different stages of professional development: Plan Mentor Dirse (with the support of the EY and SERES foundations).
    • Collaboration with prestigious universities and educational centres for certifications and technical training in advantageous conditions for our members.
    • Web and first webinars together with EASP: European Network of CSR and Sustainability Professionals.
    • Study on the function CSR and sustainability manager in Spain with the MANGO CSR Chair (ESCI/UPF) and the collaboration of Valora Consultores. (2018-2019)
    • Study on CSR trends and the role of future CSR and sustainability manager with Llorente and Cuenca (2018)
    • State of the profession of RS Management with ICADE - University of Comillas and G-Advisory (2013-14)
    • Institutional participation in reference forums, (advisory or scientific committees) at the national and international levels and interaction with other professional associations of the sector.
    • Promote the role of CSR and sustainability manager in society through on/off actions that allow the visibilization and knowledge of this function.
    • Promote the visibility of women in the business environment #RetoxlaMujer
    • DIRSE colloquia with experts and opinion leaders, in which associates exchange their professional experiences.
    • Annual CSR event with executives from other functional areas as protagonists: Transversa.
    • Visibility of the activity of DIRSE members: weekly newsletter for members, own social networks, publication of articles in the blog of EFE Empresas&DIRSE, cycle of interviews Corresponsables&DIRSE.

350 professionals (individuals only): 60% CSR managers and high directors of large and medium size enterprise and 40% consultants, academics, NGOs.

  • President: Elena Valderrábano Vázquez, Global Director of Corporate Ethics and Sustainability (Telefónica)
  • Vice-president: Javier Garilleti Álvarez, General Director (EY Foundation)
  • Secretary: Alberto Andreu Pinillos, Associate Professor of the University of Navarra. Senior Advisor (EY and ATREVIA).
  • Treasurer: Beatriz Sánchez Guitián, Director of Companies (Hazloposible Foundation)


  • Inés García-Pintos Balbás, Head of CSR (Cecabank)
  • David Menéndez Carbajosa, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility  (Bankia).
  • Meritxell Ripoll Manuel, Director of Corporate Responsibility  (CaixaBank)



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